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Talent mobility - 2020 and beyond

This report from PwC considers the future of mobility in a globally connected world and the ways in which the workplace dynamic is rapidly changing. What does the business world of 2020 and beyond hold?



Maximising millennials in the workplace

By 2020, nearly half of the US workers will be millennials. But how do millennials view work and how can employers harness their strengths? The UNC considers.



The future of knowledge work

This paper by Intel sets out to identify the trends most likely to shape the future of work. What impact will changing technology have by 2025? How will the way people work change, if at all?



Beyond work-life balance

Ade McCormack looks at how leadership and management are changing. He focuses on how employers can provide workers with an environment that goes beyond work-life balance.



The benefits of flexible working arrangements: a future of work report

The need for flexible working is growing. The changing context of work is creating new challenges and opportunities that companies can only meet with the sort of agility that flexible working arrangements provide. But what are the benefits of flexible working? The Future of Work Institute considers.



The world at work: jobs, pay and skills for 3.5 billion people

In this report, McKinsey discuss the strained market for skills and how it's expected to worsen significantly by 2030.



Help wanted: The future of work in advanced economies

This McKinsey paper discusses five trends that are influencing employment levels and shaping how work is done and jobs are created.



PwC release new report: "Millennials at work - Perspectives of a new generation"

The new report from PwC entitled ‘Millennials at work: Perspectives of a new generation’ builds on the thoughts in their paper ‘Managing tomorrow’s people – the future of work 2020’ by looking deeper into the millennial generation, their attitudes, and their expectations toward the future world of work.



Women in the boardroom: a global perspective

This report from the Deloitte Global Center for Corporate Governance presents an overview of a number of current initiatives around the world, both legal and regulatory, to increase the number of women serving on corporate boards.



Snakes and ladders: who climbs the rungs of the earnings ladder

Is it becoming easier for individuals to move up the careers ladder? Who is more likely to move up the earnings ladder and who is at risk of falling behind? The Resolution Foundation’s series of work on social mobility answers these questions.
