To make meaningful progress on gender diversity, companies must move beyond the averages and focus on the biggest pain points say Alexis Krivkovich, Eric Kutcher and Lareina Yee of McKinsey in this report on breaking down the gender challenge.
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The UK is on the verge of a mobile working 'tipping point' - when working away from the office becomes more common than working solely from a desk. This report from The Work Foundation explores the concept of a 'tipping point' around mobile working.
This report by David Kirkby, Senior Research Fellow at Bright Blue, offers an in-depth examination of the lives of self-employed individuals in 'low income' households.
The way we work today is fundamentally different than how we worked a decade ago. This report from Bain & Co looks at the case for flexibile working and how organisations in Australia are putting it into practice.
This report by Economist, Katie Evans, considers ways in which we can reduce stress and boost workplace engagement in order to help improve UK productivty.
Organisations must start adapting to a faster-paced environment. This report from the ManPowerGroup details a new world of work and how employers can succeed in a reconfigured labour market.
Disruptive changes to business models will have a profound impact on the employment landscape over the coming years. This report from the World Economic Forum seeks to understand the current and future impact of key disruptions on employment levels, skill sets and recruitment patterns in different industries and countries.
Recognising that jobs and livelihoods are being transformed, this report from the Foresight Alliance presents an overview and evaluation of thinking about the future of work.
This report from the Joseph Rowntree Foundation investigates the number of ‘quality’ flexible job vacancies in the UK, and shows how living standards and business performance could improve if there were more of these jobs.
This report from Acas aims to identify some of the trends that they think will have an impact on the workplace in 2016.