The 2019 Edelman Trust Barometer Special Report: In Brands We Trust?, an eight-country study, shows that the vast majority of consumers across markets, ages, incomes and gender say that brand trust is essential to buying.
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This report by OECD highlights that with the many opportunities, much anxiety surrounds the future of work with digitalisation, globalisation and demographic changes having a profound impact on our lives.
This report by McKinsey explores that if women make transitions in automation, they could be on the path to more productive, better-paid work. If they cannot, they could face a growing wage gap or be left further behind when progress toward gender parity in work is already slow.
This report from Deloitte reveals that Gen Z will soon surpass Millennials as the most populous generation on earth, with more than one-third of the world's population counting themselves Gen Zers. In the US, Gen Z constitutes more than a quarter of the population and by 2020 will be the most diverse generation in the nation's history. The report notes that the impact of their entry into the workforce will be swift and profound: radically different than Millennials, this generation has an entirely unique perspective on careers and how to define success in life and the workforce.
This report from the Pew Research Center provides a comprehensive update of the Center’s prior demographic work on generations, finding that compared with previous generations, Millennials are better educated – a factor tied to employment and financial well-being. They have brought more racial and ethnic diversity to American society and Millennial women, like Generation X women, are more likely to participate in the nation’s workforce than prior generations. The report also reveals that Millennials are delaying or forgoing marriage and have been somewhat slower in forming their own households. They are also more likely to be living at home with their parents, and for longer stretches.
In this report, the Metropolitan Policy Program at Brookings investigates how machines and automation is affecting people and places in the future of work especially for certain types of jobs and demographics.
This report for the Corporate Research Forum summarises the main demographic, economic and technology trends shaping the future of work in 2018.
This report from Ius Laboris researches the impact of an evolving geopolitical, demographic and technological landscape on employers.
The 2019 World Development Report from the World Bank takes a look at how work is evolving as a result of advances in technology.
In the context of the ageing workforce, this Centre for Ageing Better guide looks at what employers can do to improve the way they recruit, support and retain older workers.