Ivanti’s latest Everywhere Work Report reveals that workplace flexibility is a non-negotiable for today’s knowledge professionals, with at least 40% of respondents saying they would change jobs to gain flexibility and women in particular being more likely to prioritise flexibility.
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Recent research from IBM reveals that 69% of UK business leaders believe it is important that female leaders are involved in decision-making on AI to avoid male bias, yet only 36% of respondents cite advancing more women into leadership roles as a top priority within their organisations - the lowest figure among all markets surveyed across EMEA. The report spotlights female leadership in AI as a strategic imperative and recommends five key areas of focus to ensure female leaders play an active role in the AI revolution.
This white paper from the World Economic Forum explores how global digital jobs can alleviate labour shortages and connect skilled workers from regions with surplus to those with labour shortages. The research identifies key challenges – technological infrastructure, policies and perceptions, and workforce skills – and offers strategies to overcome these barriers, including public-private partnerships and technology investments. Additionally, it outlines risks such as technology malfunctions and work conditions, proposing solutions to facilitate a sustainable global digital job market.
Deloitte’s latest Women @ Work Global Outlook report reveals that rising stress levels and poor mental health persist, and fewer women report feeling supported by their employers to balance work responsibilities with their commitments outside of work – a trend that is leading some women to switch employers. Although women working in a hybrid model are reporting better experiences this year compared to last, many women still face challenges related to return to office mandates and safety and non-inclusive behaviours in the workplace.
This report from Workhuman analyses data from more than 4,100 employees in the United States, United Kingdom, Ireland and Canada, revealing that significant portions of the workforce report they are underpaid, undervalued, stressed and burnt out. The research reveals that even amid economic uncertainty, nearly one-quarter of respondents said they would be willing to take a pay cut to keep or obtain their preferred way of working, with this trend being higher among remote employees, LGBTQIA+ employees and caretakers. It sets out three key initiatives employers can implement to cultivate more human workplaces.
This report from Deloitte reveals a disconnect between what Generation Z actually wants at work and what their bosses think they want. As Gen Z increasingly enters the workforce, the research identifies the key challenges and gaps that leaders should address to support their newest generation of workers, including (1) contrasting views on the importance empathy, (2) divergent views on the impact of work on mental health, and (3) disparate views on the importance of work to personal identity.
This report by the OECD examines how longevity and technological change are impacting work across 38 countries and identifies key employer policies that can help facilitate career mobility, resulting in better employment choices at older ages.
Deloitte’s latest Global Human Capital Trends report reveals that the more boundaryless work becomes, the more important uniquely human capabilities – like empathy and curiosity – become. The research underscores the need to prioritise human sustainability - the degree to which the organisation creates value for people as human beings, leaving them with greater health and well-being, stronger skills and greater employability, good jobs, opportunities for advancement, more equity, and heightened feelings of belonging and purpose – which can drive not only better human outcomes, but better business outcomes in a mutually reinforcing cycle.
This report from 50+ Choices Roundtable reveals that 72% of over-50s seek flexible work to achieve a better work-life balance, with many also having care responsibilities. With rates of home-working among over-50s rising from 10% in 2020 to 22.4% in 2023, the report sets out key recommendations for government and businesses to support greater flexible working for over-50s to help more people stay in meaningful work.
This report from PwC reveals that the average gender pay gap across the OECD widened from 13.2% in 2021 to 13.5% in 2022 and suggests that understanding the multitude of factors and complexities that drive gender disparities is a crucial step in helping to address them and make progress towards a more equal workplace. The research highlights how closing the gender pay gap can unlock significant economic gains by increasing women’s earnings by up to an estimated £55bn per year and encourage more women to join (or rejoin) the workforce – a 5% increase in the total number of women in employment could boost UK GDP by up to £125bn every year.