Only 19% of those working in technology are women. This percentage is very low incomparison to other corporate functions e.g. HR, finance, and operations.
The IT function has been described to us by several CIOs as a ‘technical, caustic environment’ and one Head of Diversity & Inclusion for a global bank named it, “still an ‘Old Boys’ Club.” Regardless of sector, it is the IT function and the unique working culture it promotes which present the biggest challenge for HR and CIOs alike with regards to gender diversity. The Davies Report (2011) and, more recently the Walker Report advocating greater board diversity, both articulate a government imperative we hope CIOs leverage to take greater accountability for diversity. There is no definitive solution that can guarantee success, and the road to achieving a better male : female ratio in IT is one paved with competing policies, behaviours and cultural nuances. This paper explores the key question:
How can senior management work collaboratively to improve the corporate diversity agenda to ultimately attract, retain and progress more women in their IT team?
The Norman Broadbent CIO Practice surveyed and interviewed 60 CIOs and 64 Heads of Diversity & Inclusion (D&I) predominantly from the FTSE 100 to investigate why there are so few women holding mid-senior management positions in the IT functions of major corporates.
Click here to read the full report
Are you a woman working in IT? Why do you think the percentage of women working in technology is so slow? What can organisations do to help change this? Share your thoughts below.
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