There is indeed a wearable future ahead, one that can dramatically alter the landscape of society and business as we know it—and it’s right around the corner. For months, we surveyed consumers and spoke with experts to find out how to navigate the road to the future—exploring the potential benefits as well as the potential drawbacks, understanding why they matter, and how they will deeply shape us as individuals and as a society. Here is a look at some of the strengths and opportunities for wearable tech—and the weaknesses and challenges that enterprising businesses must successfully navigate.

Already, companies are putting wearables to work in the workforce—and our data shows that people are remarkably unconcerned about the net impact wearable technology could have on their job security or autonomy. And in an era where workplace loyalties are fragile, wearable technology could actually increase morale if it makes it easier for workers to produce more efficiently and provide better service, making them stronger employees overall. Likewise, use of wearable technology in employer-sponsored health and wellness programs can lead to a healthier and thereby more productive workforce. Implementation of wearable tech could have very clear implications for a company’s bottom line—opening the door for enterprise to subsidize the use of wearable devices amongst both employees and consumers.

The potential benefits of wearable devices are manifold. Among the workforce, devices can be used as training agents, speeding up the onboarding process through real-time feedback. In retail, wearable devices can upend point of sale processes, improve customer service throughout the store and speed up purchasing. In manufacturing, wearable tech can help expedite production by creating hands-free guidance tools. In service industries, wearable devices can speed access to information in real time and enable seamless action.

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