Overview of Women on Boards Statistics October 2014:
FTSE 100:
• Women now account for 22.8% of overall board directorships, up from 20.7% in March 2014 and 12.5% in 2011 - Of this, women account for 27.9% of non-executive directorships and 8.4% of executive directorships.
• Women directorships account for 249 of the 1,094 FTSE 100 board positions.
• There are now no all-male boards in the FTSE 100, there were 2 in March 2014 and 21 in 2011.
• 24 new women appointments need to be made to reach Lord Davies’ 25% target
• 39 companies now have 25% or better women’s representation on their boards, up from 36 in March 2014. However, 7 companies have moved from above 25% representation to below since March 2014.
• Overall, there are 17 companies in the FTSE 100 whose women’s representation figures have fallen in the last 6 months.
• There have been 27 new female appointments in the last 6 months; there were 33 in the previous 6 months.
• 31.8% of all new appointments went to women in the last 6 months, down from 35.5% in the previous 6 months.