You do not need a crystal ball to see some of the workplace issues that will be of concern to us all this year. Regardless of what happens in the General Election, boosting the UK’s labour productivity is likely to remain a top priority. For that reason productivity is the first issue that we address in this HRZone, Acas and CIPD report that looks at five key employment trends for 2015.

Other hot topics, such as the use of atypical contracts and the part they can play in a fair and effective labour market, though quite familiar, are still very much live issues that will shape the way we work in the years ahead.

Whether we like it or not, conflict at work will continue to be a perennial preoccupation for managers. But the way we view conflict management is changing and the articles in this report look at new ways of seeing some rather well worn workplace problems.

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Have you been affected by any of the workplace issues identified in this report?  What other trends do you think will have an impact on employment in the future?  Share your ideas in the comments section below.

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