Talent trends report — Future of Work Hub

HR leaders around the world understand that 2015 promises to be a crucial year for their organisations. Macroeconomic issues rippling across global markets are having significant impact on business growth, skilled talent is increasingly scarce, and the C-suite more than ever needs HR to step into a strategic, driving role. It's a time where HR needs to affirm its ability to deliver essential knowledge and services to keep their organisations ahead of competitors.

So how can HR leaders achieve this goal? First and foremost, they need knowledge about what's happening in the market, what peers and competitors are thinking and doing, and what actions need to be taken. This made us want to ask more and go deeper into the trends so that we can share our findings with you in the inaugural Randstand Sourceright 2015 Talent Trends Report - an in-depth market analysis and survey of global HR leaders about the issues and challenges they most care about.

We've identified 25 of the most dynamic and pressing issues facing workers and employers right now and the concerns they have for the future. Our subject matter experts help you make sense of how these will affect your organisation and provide practical tips on how best to cope with - and even benefit from - these game-changing shifts.

Click here to read the full report


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