Building on their January 2017 report on automation, McKinsey's new report assesses the number and type of jobs that might be created under different scenarios through 2030 and compares that to the jobs that could be lost to automation.

In an era marked by rapid advances in automation and artificial intelligence, new research assesses the jobs lost and jobs gained under different scenarios through 2030.

The technology-driven world in which we live is a world filled with promise but also challenges. Cars that drive themselves, machines that read X-rays, and algorithms that respond to customer-service inquiries are all manifestations of powerful new forms of automation. Yet even as these technologies increase productivity and improve our lives, their use will substitute for some work activities humans currently perform—a development that has sparked much public concern.

The results of this report reveal a rich mosaic of potential shifts in occupations in the years ahead, with important implications for workforce skills and wages. 

Click here to read the full report

