Capita discusses the future of work being here now. The rapid acceleration of technologies such as automation and artificial intelligence is changing the way that people and technology interact in the workplace and is revolutionising work across all sectors and skill levels.
While there has been much discussion about the impacts of this shift on the UK economy and employment patterns at a macro level, missing from the debate has been the voice of the people who will be more directly impacted by these changes.
As the world transitions to these new ways of working, questions arise about how the full potential of automation can be unlocked, while also harnessing the benefits to preserve ‘meaningful work’ into the future. To address these important issues, Capita has collaborated with Hot Spots Movement and BritainThinks to initiate an honest conversation about how the world of work is changing.
We have found that a new type of critical inter-dependency is forming between business and employees, technology and people. Automation anxiety is common in the workplace, fueled in part by negative preconceptions and in part by the real threat posed to employment for many people. It is only by engaging employees with the automation process that they will experience this shift in a positive way, and crucially be able to implement new ways of working required to make automation a success.