Employment and training for mature adults — Future of Work Hub

This report by Brookings highlights the current system and moving forward in terms of employment and training for mature adults. The issue of reskilling and addressing the role of training policy is pertinent.

Since the late years of the Eisenhower Administration, when alarms were first raised about the impact of what was then called cybernation there have been cycles of interest in the role of training policy for addressing perceived national challenges. During the War on Poverty youth unemployment and juvenile delinquency motivated initiatives including summer youth jobs to the Job Corp and a great many others. During the Clinton years concerns about lagging American competitiveness relative to Germany and Japan led to efforts to import elements of the German apprenticeship model as well as efforts to encourage firms to invest more in training their workforce. More recently trade shocks and disruption caused by robots and artificial intelligence have resulted in a renewed interest in public employment and training policy.

There has been a great deal of thought given about how to best prepare young people for work but it seems fair to say that less attention has been paid to adults. The case for thinking seriously about how to help adults cope with economic shocks is strong both because of the economic implications for individuals and families and because of the risks to social stability if large numbers of people find themselves in economic distress.

Click here to read the full report
