A global survey of C-level executives and directors, focused on macroeconomic, strategic, and operational risks, highlights their views regarding the disruptive risk landscape over the next 10 years through 2032 and what businesses should consider. Conducted online between September and October 2022, the survey captures insights from 1,304 leaders across multiple industries, with broad geographic representation.

Key issues being discussed around the globe in the boardroom and C-suite

The level of uncertainty in today’s global marketplace and the velocity of change continue to produce a multitude of potential risks that can disrupt an organization’s business model and strategy on very short notice. Unfolding events in Eastern Europe, changes in government leadership in several countries around the globe, escalating inflation, rising interest rates, ever-present cyber threats, competition for talent and specialized skill sets, continued disruptions in global supply chains, rapidly developing technologies … these represent just a sampling of the complex web of drivers of risks that may threaten an organization’s achievement of its objectives. Uncertainty and risk are here to stay. Keeping abreast of emerging risk issues and market opportunities is critical to improving organizational resilience.

To help executives and boards better identify potential risks on the horizon, Protiviti and NC State University’s ERM Initiative are pleased to provide this report focusing on the top risks currently on the minds of boards of directors and senior executives around the globe. This report contains results from our 11th annual worldwide risk survey of more than 1,300 directors and executives to obtain their views on the extent to which a broad collection of risks is likely to affect their organizations over the next year — 2023. In addition to insights about near-term risks in 2023, we also asked respondents to consider how these risks will affect their organizations a decade from now (in 2032).

Click here for the full report
