Three Pillars of Workforce Resilience — Future of Work Hub

As employers around the world contend with the greatest workforce disruption in generations, a new global report published by staffing leader Kelly (Nasdaq: KELYA, KELYB) uncovers a striking disconnect between senior executives and talent. The 2023 Kelly Global Re:work Report finds that most organizations are failing to meet the needs of employees and risk erasing progress made during the pandemic. The report identifies resilient organizations thriving amid the disruption, emphasizing the importance of building workforce resilience in today's dynamic labour market.

Businesses are facing a talent crisis. Shortfalls in key skills are limiting the potential for business growth and are leading to unfilled vacancies. The Talent’s expectations of the employment experience are evolving at pace, and they are prepared to move on if they think their employer is not doing enough. As businesses respond to changing markets and seek to seize new opportunities, they are struggling to build the agility they need to deploy their people effectively.

This report draws on two new global surveys—one of executives, the other of talent—to reveal a disconnect between these two groups’ perspectives on working life. It is a warning to employers: having made progress through the pandemic and the Great Resignation, they now risk slipping backward on engagement. 

Yet the report also shows that there is a group of leading employers that are navigating the talent crisis by enhancing their workforce resilience: securing and mobilizing the talent they need to achieve objectives over the long term and adapt rapidly to new opportunities.

The talent crisis has impacted our organization in a number of ways. Five years ago, it was challenging to find highly skilled candidates but today the pool is even smaller. This situation has opened our eyes to how we can do things differently – we need to be more flexible and creative in how we define roles and the experience we seek.

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