The Open University’s 2022 Business Barometer provides an analysis of skills shortages, the associated impacts, recruitment challenges and the effect of flexible working on skills availability. The following broad themes emerge from the data: more than two-thirds of SMEs are currently facing skills shortages, rising to 86% of large organisations and almost three-quarters of organisations say the impact of these shortages has increased workload on other staff, while 78% are seeing reduced output, profitability, or growth. The report reveals clear differences between the ability of organisations in different sectors and sizes to deal with challenging economic conditions, finding that 90% of large organisations have implemented some form of written plan around recruitment, training, addressing skills shortages, ESG, or DEI. The report underscores that as the workplace continues to evolve, business investment in the rapid upskilling and reskilling of workers of all skill levels and ages is key to boosting productivity and resolving hard-to-fill job vacancies.