This report from PwC reveals that more than two-thirds of employees (68%) say they have experienced more changes at work in the past year than in the 12 months prior. The top three areas of change at work are: use of new tools and technologies (48%), increased workload (46%) and changes in team structure and daily responsibilities (both 43%). The research reveals that employees are increasingly prioritising career growth and willing to switch jobs to develop their skills, with 78% agreeing that learning opportunities influence their decision on whether to leave their current employer. Non-financial rewards are as critical as pay - employees rank financial reward (77%), fulfilment (69%), and flexibility (64%) as their top job priorities. This year's findings also reveal a heightened expectation for employers to address climate change and reduce their environmental impact, suggesting the need for a proactive response from employers to ensure alignment with their workforce.

Click here for the full report.
