What is workforce agility and what are the potential economic benefits? The Agile Future Forum considers.
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Only 19% of those working in technology are women. Why are there so few women holding management positions in IT? Norman Broadbent reports.
A Government study has concluded that, not only do women need work, but work needs women. It also concludes that GDP could be increased 10% by 2030 if more women participated in the labour market, but we need to build female aspiration in the higher reward sectors such as science and engineering if we are to do this.
As the demands of our 24/7 consumer culture grow, the UK is moving towards a fully flexible future and nine to five is no longer the default option. But what are the benefits to working more flexibility, and what are the barriers? The Institute of Leadership & Management discuss.
This report examines the world of work, both current and future, identifying the challenges facing companies and individuals as they face up to the changes brought by the digital age.
The third edition of The Deloitte Global Center for Corporate Governance's report "Women in the Boardroom: A Global Perspective" represents one of the most comprehensive surveys of recent efforts - legislative or otherwise - to increase the participation of women in boardrooms across the globe.
This report from HR Magazine considers the future of flexibility in the workplace through means such as mobile working.
This report by the Work Foundation looks at what measures the different countries have taken to deal with youth unemployment, and how the UK might embrace some of these policies.
Workplace flexibility has become vital in attracting and retain talent. But how can organisations implement an effective flexibility strategy, and why should they? Deloitte discuss.