In Winter 2013–14, the CIPD explored issues relating to managing an age-diverse workforce in Employee Outlook (EO) and Labour Market Outlook (LMO) surveys (with samples of 2,691 and 935 respectively across private, public and not-for-profit sectors).
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Retirement as we think of it today could soon be a thing of the past as Europe's working-age population rapidly becomes older and smaller. What are the implications of this for the continent's economies and business leaders? The Economist Intelligence Unit discuss.
The UK Commission for Employment and Skills report "The Future of Work: jobs and skills in 2030" looks ahead to the future labour market.
Are organisations and managers in the low pay and low skill sectors equipped to manage future workplaces? How can ideas for employee engagement be deployed in these minimum wage environments? In their report "Constrained work", the Work Foundation consider employee engagement ideas that can help boost productivity in low skilled jobs.
This Deloitte research explores how the role and function of HR is changing. Technology is taking over the process roles to develop HR into a high power, high status area. The future HR leaders will have first rate data skills and MBA level business capabilities, enabling them to make massive contributions to corporate growth.
More women in the workplace and strong female leaders have been shown to increase productivity. But greater numbers of women in the US are leaving the labour market. In their report "Retaining Women in the Workplace", UNC Kenan Flager have examined the reasons why this is happening and offers practical suggestions to develop female workforce participation.
Today's workforce is decidedly multigenerational. But what is the '5G' workplace and how can companies adapt to this demographic shift? The UNC consider.
According to Hay Group’s Leadership 2030 research the leaders of the future will need a host of new skills and competencies if they are to succeed. Humility, creativity and the ability to handle change will be crucial skills for future leaders. In the report "Building the new leader: leadership challenges of the future revealed", HayGroup consider the how we can change leadership models to succeed in future workplaces.
What does Generation Y (aka "the millennial generation") want from business, government and the future workplace? How can employers attract and retain talented millennials? In this report, Deloitte discuss how the workplaces of the future may be affected.
What were the employment trends of 2013 and how can we continue to maintain successful, growing businesses in the UK? The CBI and Accenture consider.