The Future of Work research commissioned by The UK Commission for Employment and Skills (UKCES) looks ahead to the labour market of 2030. It analyses stable trends that are already shaping the future of UK jobs and skills and identifies the plausible disruptions to these trends. It plots four anticipated scenarios of what the UK’s work landscape might look like in 2030, and importantly, the skills that will be required under these conditions.

The full report of the study with the scenarios and the key findings report are available at

Future of work trends report

The trends report sets out the 13 trends identified by the research as the most influential and plausible impacting the jobs and skills landscape in the UK until 2030. It also provides detail on the ten key disruptions selected, that if they were to occur, may lead to abrupt changes that are more difficult to foresee.

Please click here to read the trends report.

Future of work full evidence report

The full evidence report looks ahead to the labour market of 2030. It analyses in detail the stable trends that are already shaping the future of UK jobs and skills, and forecasts the most likely disruptions to those trends. It then plots four anticipated scenarios of what the UK’s work landscape might look like in 2030, and importantly, the skills that will be required under these conditions.

Please click here to read the full evidence report.


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