This page contains further reading on the topics covered in the article 'Career returners - how to tap into an increasingly important talent pool?' by Claudia Filsinger and Geraldine Gallacher.
Bussell, J. (2008): 'Great Expectations: Can maternity coaching affect the retention of professional women?', International Journal of Evidence Based Coaching and Mentoring, Special Issue No. 2, pp. 14-26.
Brown, S. and Kelan, E. (2013): ‘Managing maternity: maternity coaching, therapeutic culture and individualisation’. Paper presented at the 13th annual conference of the British Academy of Management, University of Liverpool, September 2013.
The Executive Coaching Consultancy Ltd (2017): ‘Bringing the talent back to the workforce’, available at
Filsinger-Mohun, C. (2012): 'How can maternity coaching influence women’s re-engagement with their career development', International Journal of Evidence Based Coaching and Mentoring, Special Issue, No 6, pp. 46 - 56, January.
Gratton, L. and Scott, A. (2017): The 100-Year Life. Bloomsbury: London
Majid, N. (2015): ‘An exploration of professional women’s experiences of taking career breaks and the implications for career identity’ Research Project as part of MSc Occupational Psychology, Birkbeck College, University of London, 2015.
Panteli, N. and Pen, S. (2009): ‘Empowering women returners in the UK high-tech industry’ Personnel Review, Vol. 39, Issue1, pp. 44-61.
Platts, L., Corna, L., Worts, D., McDonough, P., Price, D., & Glaser, K. (2017): ‘Returns to work after retirement: A prospective study of unretirement in the United Kingdom’. Ageing and Society, 1-26.
Schlosser, F., Zinni, D., Armstrong-Stassen, M. (2012): ‘Intention to unretire: HR and the boomerang effect’ Career Development International, Vol. 17(2), pp.149-176.
Vitzthum, C. (2017): ‘How can maternity-return coaching complement structural organisational benefits?’ International Journal of Evidence Based Coaching and Mentoring, Special Issue, No 11, pp. 44 - 56,