In light of the growing challenges that technology and new business models are creating for the UK’s employment rights framework, the CIPD have argued that there is a strong case for Government to proactively support organisations in improving their working practices. This report by the CIPD includes recommendations for Government and case studies which highlight some of the challenges faced by some gig economy workers.

  • Consult on the demarcation between ‘employee’, ‘worker’ and ‘self-employed’ and how they map on to employment rights, tax and benefits
  • Run a high-profile ‘know-your-rights’ campaign with organisations such as CIPD, Acas, Citizens Advice Bureau and others
  • Give sufficient resources to the Gangmasters and Labour Abuse Authority (GLAA) to monitor and enforce compliance
  • Increase resources available to Acas so it can proactively work with organisations to improve their working practices
  • Support the development of guidance on atypical working, setting out principles of good work and responsible employment
  • Increase public investment in lifelong learning to reverse the recent decline in investment in adult skills
  • Develop an effective all-age careers service

The CIPD's report is available here.
