PwC provides an international analysis of the potential long term impact of automation in this report.

The potential for disruption to labour markets due to advances in technology is not a new phenomenon. Most famously, the Luddite protest movement of the early 19th century was a backlash by skilled handloom weavers against the mechanisation of the British textile industry that emerged as part of the Industrial Revolution (including the Jacquard loom, which with its punch card system was in some respects a forerunner of the modern computer). But, in the long run, not only were there still many (if, on average, less skilled) jobs in the next textile factories, but, more important, the productivity gains from mechanisation created huge new wealth. This in turn generated many more jobs across the UK economy in the long run than were initially lost in the traditional handloom weaving industry. 

The standard economic view for most of the last two centuries has therefore been that the Luddites were wrong about the long-term benefits of the new technologies, even if they were right about the short-term impact on their personal livelihoods. Anyone putting such arguments against new technologies has generally been dismissed as believing in the 'Luddite fallacy'. 

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