This report from Ius Laboris offers an international perspective on employment in the gig economy.

The term ‘gig economy’ was first coined as far back as 2009 to refer to people who, having lost traditional jobs in the financial crash, had turned to a variety of short-term, freelance roles to make a living. More recently the term has become associated with the use of internet-based technology platforms that claim to act as an online market place where potential customers are put in touch with freelance service-providers.

An important question is whether such companies really are just putting customers in touch with independent service-providers, or whether they can be said to employ those who provide work through their online platforms. This has implications for labour market regulation across the world. Should those working in the gig economy have the same rights as employees, should they be treated as independent businesses like any other, or does the answer lie somewhere between the two?

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