This report by Raconteur explores how most companies are sitting on a mine of valuable information but failing to get the most out of it due to not capitalizing on ‘people data’.

Data already plays a vital role in all of our working lives, and that is only set to increase in the years ahead. We have now built the capability to accumulate immense amounts of information on a daily or even hourly basis, and to store this affordably on a daily or even hourly basis, and to store this affordably in the cloud. Organisations are making use of the data they have to find out more about customers, understand their buying habits, predict future events and even hold conversations through chatbots.

HR is undergoing a data revolution in the future of work. Employee data analytics are increasingly vital to success, with insights driving key business decisions. The Data-Driven CHRO report explores the myriad benefits that organisations stand to gain by harnessing their employee data, and explains the first steps in the journey to data-driven HR.

Click here to read the full report

As originally seen in 'The Data-Driven CHRO' published by Raconteur in The Times on 19th March.
