This report by the CIPD explores the accuracy of the popular view that work is becoming more insecure, associated with the rise of atypical forms of work such as the gig-economy, zero-hour working and agency work.
There has been much public debate about atypical forms of work (such as the gig-economy, zero-hours working an agency work) in recent years, creating the perception that the UK’s labour market is becoming less secure. This report examines a range of evidence proving the so called “casualisation” of work in the UK being overstated including the facts that people working atypically in the UK labour market has been stable for the past 20 years; permanent employment remains the norm for most people in the UK and that most of the UK’s workers feel secure with many entering non-permanent work out of choice rather than necessity.
Nonetheless, the report highlights that there are millions of UK employees, with many in permanent positions who report some degree of insecurity: fear of not getting another job as least as good, cut in wages or being discriminated against in the workplace.